29 June 2016

Day 29 we made mud pies

More rain, but now undaunted we headed out to do the only sensible thing - make mud pies!

The way Beatrix does it is a bit more convoluted than I remember as a child but she had fun!!
Here's the recipe...

What you will need:
2 stones preferably large, one flat and one with a rounded top
A small mixing bowl
A spoon or spade
Some mud
Some water
Some leaves (optional)

First collect suitable stones from around the garden! These will form the base and top of the pie.
Then mix mud and water together in your bowl
Here's what it should look like...
Carefully transfer the mud mixture to your pie base (one of the stones)
You may need to tap the bowl to get all your mixture out!
Here's what you should have now - the pie base, with the pie filling nicely piled on top.
Add some greenery to garnish if you so wish.
Finally, place your pie top (other stone with the rounded top) on top.
 And... Ta dah - one lovely mud pie!
The benefit of this kind of "cooking" is that there is little to tidy up, unless, like Alfie, you choose to go around barefoot...

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