21 June 2016

Day 21 we all did different things

We all did different things today!
Alfie make a grass haired alien at school.

As green grass and green lights spreads
It's all wonderful to see
Leaves may come and go
The trees may stand as firm as stone
Shelter animals and give them a home
and feed them on

Plants come on give and grow 
So come on, come on and grow
Shine and give bloom and help
And grow, grow, grow

Stones are grey like a cloudy day
Or fog or mist on a rainy day
Ever never broken either 
So they'll never break 
Come on stones and rocks

Flowers bloom rainbow coloured 
Pink and white or all of the colours
Give nectar to the bees and butterflies
So grow all these things 
These things just grow, just grow
Nature - just grow 

Beatrix wrote a lovely poem / song inspired by what she saw from the window.

Marie was at the seaside, walking along the beach...
... and collecting bits of drift wood...
...and spotting cuttlefish, jelly fish and seaweed washed up on the beach.

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